Going from Karungu (where the most exciting event is when the white lady comes to remove jiggers) to Kansas City has been overwhelming to say the least. More has happened in one week than I can wrap my brain around: the Saints won the Super Bowl, my sister got married, and apparently people are really interested in what I’m doing in Kenya.
Turns out the Independence Examiner caught wind of what I’m up to and decided to write an article about me. I talked the reporter’s ear off and on Saturday, all of Independence got to read about Kenya, jiggers, and what I’m trying to do... http://www.examiner.net/features/x626055883/Shes-finding-her-mission-in-the-great-unknown#comments
NBC 41 read the article and before I knew it, my photos of Kenya and my story about the Parasite Eradication Campaign are neatly tucked between traffic and the weather! http://www.nbcactionnews.com/news/local/story/Metro-Woman-Makes-a-Difference-in-Kenya/QHqoKIyL9EaSceo98nop-g.cspx
And to top it all off, the Lee’s Summit Journal front page shows the photo below the heading, "Lee's Summit North grad working in Kenya".
With all this publicity, I’m humbled...and slightly embarrassed. While the attention seems silly, I appreciate the uniqueness of my experience and I hope it can inspire someone to do something more. And it’s great publicity for people to come to my presentation at St. Marks on Thursday!
Speaking of that...if you’re in town, come hear my story first hand!
Kayla in Kenya Presentation
Date: Thursday, February 18th
Time: 7 pm
Location: St. Marks Catholic Church, the Upper Room
3736 S. Lee's Summit Road
Independence, MO 64055
Hey Kayla, good luck tonight. I'll try my best to be there in spirit. I left you a voice mail yesterday that you'll probably pick up in July or never. I love you, thank you again for doing such amazing work and being an inspiration. I can't wait until we are finally reunited but before then I am definitely going to send you something!! I hope you're having an awesome time at home.
ReplyDeletehope it went well....knowing you everyone at the presentation was crying and just handing over cash. well, i hope so anyway. love and miss you like crazy
ReplyDeleteWow, you're like famous Kayla. I mean you already had celeb status in Karungu, but now it's spreading. Gosh, I will admit that I do enjoy being annonymous again. Today i went to my niece's preschool and none of the kids waved at me, yelled "mzungu!", or ran away crying! Incredible.