Saturday, August 22, 2009

Its Really Happening

The past few days have been a flurry of excitement as the details are all falling into place.
  • I've officially met my fundraising goal. Thank you to all of you who so generously donated. Words cannot describe my gratitude.
  • I bought my plane ticket for training in Newark, New Jersey. I arrive in Newark at 2:20 pm on September 28, 2009.
  • CMMB sent us our official flight itinerary!! We fly out of Newark on October 2, change planes in London (Heathrow), then arrive in Nairobi, Kenya on October 3! Father Emilio will pick Amanda, James (my fellow volunteers) and I up from the airport and we should arrive in Karunga the next day!
  • I sent my Visa application, passport photos (which turned out surprisingly not bad!), and actual passport to Lizuara (the CMMB volunteer coordinator). In her unending kindness, she's taking care of the rest of the Visa process for us!!
  • I've started my preparations for Kenya by ordering a travel guide (Rough Guide, which I'd highly recommend) and two books on Kenyan culture etc. I also watched The Constant Gardener, which takes place in Kenya. Its a great film and I'd recommend it to anyone, especially if you want to see the natural beauty of the Kenyan landscape and people. It's not exactly a feel good movie, but rest assured that I won't get myself into any trouble like Tessa!

As my departure date approaches, I slowly realize the gravity and beauty of the next nine months of my life. Honestly, I'm quite sure I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. I pray that I stop looking at my time in Kenya as an adventure (which it will undoubtedly be), and more as an opportunity to live humbly and serve selflessly. I know I will take home much more than I could ever offer, yet I pray that God will use me to do some amount of good. I also pray for patience, courage, and prudence; all of which will surely prove more necessary than I can imagine. Wow, this is going to rock my world.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Karunga, Kenya...Here I come!!


Details (what I know so far):

• I'll be in Karunga, Kenya. Its a rural fishing town on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria in the Southwest corner of Kenya (very near the Tanzanian border)
• I'll be working at the St. Camillus Hospital with a group of Italian and Kenyan priests, a Hungarian surgeon, and other international volunteers. I'll also be with other Catholic Medical Mission Board volunteers (see below).

If you're interested, here is the link to the Hospital:

And here is a link to a wonderful blog by a volunteer that is currently there!

Thanks to all of you for being so supportive and excited for me. Now that I know where I'm going, it’s slowly becoming all the more real. Please continue to pray for me and the people I will be working for/with. God bless!